Sunday, May 31, 2020

Step by Step Monte Carlo Simulation

No one, especially from the scientific/engineering community, doubts about how powerful is Monte Carlo random sampling method, particularly when it is about simulating an unknown phenomena or making experimental calculation giving shortage in time/resources.

Despite its high usefulness in a wide range of scientific and technical fields, this method keeps somehow mysterious and time consuming from implementation point of view. In most of the cases you need to be a Microsoft Excel expert or an experimented programmer to implement it the right way.

In this article, we will start by making a practical presentation of Monte Carlo method by going through two concrete Excel implemtnation examples: calculating two dices throwing outcomes and estimating cost/duration for a house construction project.

In the second part, we will present Lazycarlo a user interface based Monte Carlo engine, by using it to simulate the house construction project.

To read the rest of the article on Medium, please click here!